Your Master Maine Guide, Alice
Why should you choose Alice as your Master Maine Guide?
Alice cares about her customers and makes each trip, tour, or training unique for the customers that she is with each time. She wants to share her enthusiam for her home state and local area with anyone with a bit of curiousity about the history, wildlife and fauna, and unique land and shore features. The glaciers helped to create incredible places to hike, bike, paddle, swim, search for sea glass or sand dollars, and explore. Why participate in a big group trip, when you can choose to go on a personalized tour, have personalized and customized Registered Maine Guide training or take a customized workshop?

Alice Bean Andrenyak's knowledge of the Maine outdoors is matched only by her passion for the Maine outdoors. She is the consummate teacher, raconteur and enthusiastic compatriot for any adventure in Maine. Alice was my instructor as I prepared for my Registered Maine Guide exam. I found her teaching methods to be easy to understand with the proper balance of both theory and hands-on application. More importantly is the rich and deep history Alice brings to any student's path of learning. She is deeply committed to ensuring that her students fully reach the aptitude of the task-at-hand. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, "In the woods we return to reason and faith." Surely, had Alice Bean Andrenyak been by his side, Emerson's enthusiasm for and solace in the woods would have been exponentially higher.... Winston h h, NYC, NY
"Dear Alice, Did I tell you how awesome you are? Did I tell you how much I or we enjoyed 9/6/12? Well, we did. I will be calling when I wanna another awesome adventure." D.F.
"We drove all the way from our campground in Acadia to go out with you. Oh my, it was the best tour we have ever had! You knew so much and treated us as special guests." A.K.
"Alice has been my support kayaker for the Peaks to Portland open water swim. We are a team and each year I do better." Y.A.
"I very much appreciate your teaching style and obvious care you put into developing the Registered Maine Guide group training course and will highly recommend it to anyone. I thank-you for 21 plus hours of material, basically a template of how to pass the state exam and 16 hours of fun doing the activities I have
enjoyed for so many years with some great new friends. Why you may ask am I writing this to you now? It is because I am very influenced by
the power of persuasion you create. Thank-you" S.B., Yarmouth, ME.
Why go out on your own or with a guide? Go with a guide and discover the best places in the area, the hidden gems, and soak up the guides local knowledge not only about your trip but the area around so that the rest of your time exploring Maine is delightful. Alice is a local, raised in Brunswick, and suggests local places that will keep your happiness levels up.
The State of Maine has rigorous testing and licensing requirements for its Maine Guides. Alice served on the Guides Board of Examiners, and holds a Master Maine Guide license for Sea Kayaking, Recreation, Fishing and Hunting. Alice is a member of the Maine Association of Sea Kayaking Guides & Instructors, a former President and Secretary. She belongs to Maine Island Trail Association, and is a Wilderness First Aider. She is a NRA Instructor and Range Safety Officer. She is a Kripalu trained Mindful Outdoor Experience trainer leading Forest Bathing/Mindful Outdoor Experiences throughout Maine.
Alice is a naturalist and a former physical education teacher who has been teaching outdoor sports and activities to thousands. While living in Connecticut and again once she returned to Maine, she was a trainer of trainers for the American Red Cross Health and Safety division. Alice is a native of Maine who started boating at the age of 6 months in a dory skiff while her Dad was chasing a small whale in Casco Bay. Since the age of four she has been rowing, swimming, and exploring Maine's coast and inland waterways. She follows "Leave No Trace" ethics as well as treating the land and water sites we visit with great respect. She loves exploring Maine with new friends and sharing all that she knows.
Alice is a Total Weather Spotter for ABC affiliate tv station WMTW8. She sends in weather reports at least twice daily and usually three or four times for use on air by the station meteorologists. During big storms or weather events, she often does phone interviews.
Sometimes you just can't take yourself so seriously when you go to enjoy the outdoors. Enjoy this video of Alice paddling a giant 382.5 lb pumpkin (Disco Ball Pumpkin) in a Disco outfit in the 2016 Damariscotta Pumpkinfest and Regatta. She managed to stay dry on her paddling races which is more than most. She didn't capsize although many others did. Fun? You bet!
She repeated her Disco Diva paddling role in the 2017, Damariscotta Pumpkinfest and Regatta and placed third in her heats. She grew three giant pumpkins including one that was over 347 lbs, but none were the right shape to paddle. She continues to compete whenever the Damariscotta Pumpkinfest and Regatta happens each fall.
In 2021, Alice became a NRA Basic Pistol Handling Instructor offering classes to women and private instruction. One day classes require online training in advance. She actively teaches through Adult Education programs with two session format with separate range time. Those completing the NRA Basic Pistol Handling course and receive certification are eligible to apply for a state of Maine Concealed Carry Permit. Why not learn the safety rules, safe handling, and all about semi-automatic and revolvers in a supportive environment? Range time is separate from classroom time.
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